Duncan McNeill Arena Remains Closed to Spectators

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame
November 25, 2020

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame's top priority remains the health and safety of our students, staff and community. 

As we continue to see an increase in COVID-19 cases across Saskatchewan and in our neighbouring provinces, the College has decided to continue to restrict the Duncan McNeill Arena to staff and students only and delay the addition of outside spectators. 

The College will continue to monitor our provincial numbers and the recommendations of the Saskatchewan Health Authority on a weekly basis.  We appreciate your support as we continue to manage the health and safety of our campus.

All Notre Dame Hockey games at the Duncan McNeill Arena can be viewed via our Livestream at https://livestream.com/notredamehounds

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame ·

P.O. Box 100 Wilcox · SK, Canada S0G 5E0
Phone: 306-732-2080 · Fax: 306-732-4408 (Confidential) · Email: info@notredame.ca