#ShesAHound - The Largest Influence In My Life

Tanya Koshowski'92
We are driving down the highway and I am anxiously looking for any sign of buildings that would resemble a school. Finally, I see it… a tall red building. That must be the school building, I think to myself. We are almost there!! The anxiety, curiosity and excitement intermingle inside of me!
We make a turn and as we get closer, I realize what I thought was the red building of the school was a grain elevator! Typical city girl!!!
I realize that Notre Dame is across the highway and that the low laying buildings are the place I will call home for the next two years. This was the smallest school, in the middle of nowhere, I have ever seen!
I was given the opportunity to attend Notre Dame for my last two years of high school. Being from B.C. and a kid that was always looking for the adventure and unique experience, there was a draw for me to come to Wilcox to experience this unique place. 
There are many stories I could share about my time in this little school town. Stories, of meeting people from all over the world; figuring out how to 'do life' with the girls in the dorm; sharing clothes and dressing up for brunch on a Sunday morning; building authentic relationships with my teachers; late-night study sessions- under the covers; opportunities to practice leadership with the girls in my dorm; “flashlights” with the guy's dorm; The victory song after an away game once you hit the turn on the 4-mile road; running lines again and again and again- and so anymore!
And when I think back to all these stories, the overwhelming feeling is of gratitude. Notre Dame was a simple and yet profound boarding school experience that is one of the integral pieces that helped to shape who I am today. 
It helped me experience independence in a safe environment; taking personal accountability for my responsibilities; to be seen as a whole person with my teachers- no matter how well I did on the algebra quiz; to receive an excellent education not only in the classroom but in life; to build relationships that are lifelong connections.  
What I once saw as the smallest school in the middle of nowhere, turned out to be the largest influence in my life! 
For this and so much more I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be a Hound! 

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Athol Murray College of Notre Dame ·

P.O. Box 100 Wilcox · SK, Canada S0G 5E0
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