On May 2, the Notre Dame family will unite to celebrate everything that is Notre Dame, what it means to be a Hound, and raise valuable support for our annual fund - the Hounds Fund.  Our goal this year is to raise $125,000 in one day!
GIVING WEBSITE >> All the “It’s a Hounds Thing” Day activity will be featured on our social media channels and our giving website www.giving.notredame.ca.
The Hounds Fund

The Hounds Fund is our annual fund that provides vital resources to areas that need it most.  This includes, but us not limited to student bursaries for Hounds who require financial assistance, tutoring support for the Guided Learning Centre, student activities programming, athletic equipment and uniforms, community service initiatives, and much more!

Each gift to the Hounds Fund helps our students achieve excellence in education of mind, body and spirit. Donate today and support Notre Dame's legacy!

List of 7 items.

  • Giving Online

    Donors have the option of making secure on-line credit card gifts. Notre Dame accepts VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. 

    This option can be accessed by clicking here.
  • Pledges

    Some donors may want to make a commitment to the HoundsFund but are not ready to start paying, also known as a Pledge. Pledges are a great way to kick-start your donations and gain some momentum especially when the pledges are committed early in the year. The Development Office will help you stay on top of that donation by mailing two pledge reminder letters during the year. 

    If you would like to start a new pledge, you can do so by calling Dave Harazny at 306-732-1201.
  • Corporate Matching Gifts

    Double the value of your gift to Notre Dame with a matching contribution from your employer.  Many companies will match gifts made by an employee, employee spouse, directors or retirees. Ask your company's Human Resources department if they have a matching gift program if so request a matching gift form from your employer. Send the completed form, signed with your gift to us and we will take for of the rest. 
    Dave Harazny
    Athol Murray College of Notre Dame
    Development Office
    PO Box 100
    Wilcox, SK
    S0G 5E0
  • Cash & Cheque Gifts

    In Canada:
    Please make cheques payable to “Athol Murray College of Notre Dame” and mail to: 
    Development Office
    PO Box 100
    Wilcox, SK
    S0G 5E0

    In the United States:
    Please make cheques payable to “Friends of Athol Murray College” and mail to: 

    Friends of Athol Murray College
    c/o Harvard Investments, Inc.
    17700 North Pacesetter Way, Ste 100
    Scottsdale, AZ 85255
    United States

    To ensure U.S. donations are received prior to December 31st and for the purpose of receiving a U.S. tax receipt for the current calendar year, please donate via PayPal.
  • Gifts of Securities

    By donating publicly traded stocks and securities, you not only support Notre Dame, but you receive a tax receipt for the appreciated value of the donation – and you are free from any capital gains tax. Gifts of securities can be made now or through your Will. The following account information is needed for an electronic transfer:
    Account #:  715-10148-13
    Dealer #:  9280
    FINS #:  T079
    CUIDS #:  WGDB
    DTC #:  5030
    EUROCLEAR #:  10034
    CIBC Wood Gundy 
    1801 Hamilton St., Suite 420
    Regina, SK  S4P 4B4

    Contact: Leila Pritchard
    Phone: 306-337-0137    
    Fax : 306-569-8616         
    Email: leila.pritchard@cibc.com

    *It is essential that the donor notify the School when he/she intends to transfer securities into the School's account. Securities cannot be sold until the donor has been identified.
  • Gifts in Kind

    Gifts in kind, also known as non-cash gifts, are gifts of property. They cover items such as artwork, equipment, securities, and cultural and ecological property. For more information about what qualifies please visit http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/glssry-eng.html
  • Phone In A Gift

    To inquire about giving or to give over the phone, please call the Development Office at 306-732-1201 or by email at d.harazny@notredame.ca
Development and Alumni Office
Toll-Free (888) 404-6863 x 1282

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Dave Harazny

    Mr. Dave Harazny 

    Director of Development & Alumni Relations
  • Photo of Andrea Harazny

    Mrs. Andrea Harazny 

    Development & Alumni Relations Officer
  • Lilla Carpenter-Boesch 

  • Shannon Normandeau 

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame ·

P.O. Box 100 Wilcox · SK, Canada S0G 5E0
Phone: 306-732-2080 · Fax: 306-732-4408 (Confidential) · Email: info@notredame.ca